04 March, 2009

Review ''De Dominee''

It was a cold march-day, with clouds that predicted rain. We were going to towncentre. Driven by pure desire to visit: De Dominee. Is it going to make true it's expectations? Standing in front of the door, leaning on the great rock, we notice the dark atmosphere. Are they trying to imitate a sort of internetcafe or are they thinking this is the guideline for starting restaurants. When we come in we notice that only well-considered decissions are visible in the interior. After we asked them if they would like to give an interview, the bar-woman is coming at us, very smoothly.

*What kind of people are attracted by De Dominee?
Everybody is welcome here. On monday to friday we see a lot of families, but in the weekend there are more young people, who are going out.
*What does Grand Cafe mean?
Grand Cafe meansyou can drink here something, but if you want to eat something, this is also the right place.
*Why did you choose the dark style?
We like it and its modern.
*First, a chinese restaurant was here. Do you think that it also involve the people coming here?
No. The chinese restaurant had another image.

On first sight our expectations were come true. De Dominee is a good place to go. It has a lot to offer for more kinds of people. No doubt they have drinks, biut what is the food like? We probably never know. In case of time, we were'nt able to test the dishes.

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