05 March, 2009


Welcome to our blog. This blog is designed for our activity-paper called: Hit-It. We're a modern and youthfull paper. In our paper, you'll find things about cultural activities, restaurants and popular spots, if you want to go out. Our editorial staff contains:

  • Kris Scholte Lubberink
  • Ruben Gringhuis
  • Annelie Bonke
  • Burcin Yavuz
  • Loes Schippers
  • Ilse Löbker
  • Steven de With

Enjoy this.

About Het Poortgebouw

The Poortgebouw is the gateway to a cemetary at the hengelosestraat. At the cemetary some people who have fought for the netherlands in world war II buried. The gateway is symmetrical and is built with yellow bricks. The gateway says: "Remember The Dead". The right wing of the building is a blind wall. The gate is designed by the famous designer Karel Muller.

The Palthehuis

The Palthehuis is a museum, in the former house of the Palthe-family. Since 1929 it is a museum. Two buildings are part of the museum. The main-building is build in 1650 and shows an image of the livingroom, as it was in the 18th century. You see a dinerroom in the style of Lodewijk XVI. The kitchen is complete with all the stuff it takes to make meals for the family. It really is worth the effort. In the frontroom, you can find the complete pharmacy of doctor Landreben Michgorius. In the 19th century these doctors lived and worked in the house across the street. Also the doctors instruments were kept, a unique collection. In 1049 Oldenzaal recieved marketrights, and the cityrights followed in 1249. You can see paintings of this upstairs. You also can see paintings and maps of the construction process of the Plechelmuschurch abd of the development of the buildings around the city. The Koetshuis acted as a servicehouse for the personell of the family, and as stable for the horses.In this little farm you can still see the craftmanship of this building. De farmkitchen still has pebbles as floor covering. There also is room that is dedicated to Oldenzaal as ''Textielstad''. There are some larger artefacts such as to tower-hour-clocks.

04 March, 2009

Opinion Reerink

For our assignement of C&M, we had to take a look in some businesses. We had the choice of Reerink, of Concepticious. We chose for Reerink. When we arrived, we were forced with violence to be photographed, by mister Reerink himself!!! After that, we were free to go inside, and walk along with the owner, mister Reerink. It was surprisingly small inside. With some pushing, and a little luck, we could make it inside. We were instructed how all the machines are working, and we got some semples, wich they threw away directly afterwards.
So, now we know how all the scanners, printers and software are working! But if it is of any use to us, i don't know that sure. It was fun to see it, but if you want to be a journalist like I do, I don't think you can use it. It's allways nice to know stuff, but I don't think i'm gonna use it.
The thing I know is, if I would do that job, i would be flipping within one hour. It's all the same to me. Just scanning, printing, cutting, folding, etc. The sound of the machines isn't working calming on me either, so I'm passing for this job.
I could see that the others didn't like it either. They didn't seem excited to me.
Allthough that, i really respect the employees. Especially the people who have to buy and install all the software. There was a fortune of soft- and hardware in the buildig, which wasn't really big. If u like computerstuff, I'm sure you'll be in heaven, but I thought the smell was bad.

Review ''De Dominee''

It was a cold march-day, with clouds that predicted rain. We were going to towncentre. Driven by pure desire to visit: De Dominee. Is it going to make true it's expectations? Standing in front of the door, leaning on the great rock, we notice the dark atmosphere. Are they trying to imitate a sort of internetcafe or are they thinking this is the guideline for starting restaurants. When we come in we notice that only well-considered decissions are visible in the interior. After we asked them if they would like to give an interview, the bar-woman is coming at us, very smoothly.

*What kind of people are attracted by De Dominee?
Everybody is welcome here. On monday to friday we see a lot of families, but in the weekend there are more young people, who are going out.
*What does Grand Cafe mean?
Grand Cafe meansyou can drink here something, but if you want to eat something, this is also the right place.
*Why did you choose the dark style?
We like it and its modern.
*First, a chinese restaurant was here. Do you think that it also involve the people coming here?
No. The chinese restaurant had another image.

On first sight our expectations were come true. De Dominee is a good place to go. It has a lot to offer for more kinds of people. No doubt they have drinks, biut what is the food like? We probably never know. In case of time, we were'nt able to test the dishes.

review of "De Tijd"

We came at the café named "De Tijd". When we took place at the terrace the waiter came and asked if we would like something to drink. He didn't say very much, he was in quite a hurry, I think. I asked him for a cup of coffee, which tasted surprisingly good!
But, when we came in for an interview, we were close to ignored. I think it's because we are young, we were ignored, maybe they knew we wouldn't buy anything, so they didn't pay attention to us. It was quite crowded, but the place was very small, which I totally didn't expect, because when you walk past it, it seems very big.

03 March, 2009

interview with the owner of Bistro Puur

This is the interview with the owner of Bistro Puur.
When we came in, he was working on the financial business. There were workers cleaning up the place, so it was a kind of a mess. The owner was a little busy, so we kept it short.

*So... What kind of public do you want to attract?
We can have every sort of public. From kids to grandparents, they're all welcome.
We try to make this an interesting place for everyone. allthough this place is meant to be modern, it also attracts older people, fortunately.

*you invite artists for live-music?
Yes, we have had some artists over here, but that's only when the customers are asking for it. That is mostly with partys for birthdays.

*How many people can be in here?
Downstairs there is room for 55 people. upstairs we have also space, but that's only for 30 people.. ofcourse there is allways more room for people, so we have over a 100 people here. that's really crowded!

*Do you have a website?
yes there is. That's http://www.bistropuur.nl/